Let T.I.E.S help you on your path to citizenship!
Naturalization is a very personal decision and an important milestone. Tennessee Immigrant Empowerment Solutions, Inc. offers preparation classes for the citizenship interview and help with the naturalization process.
This thirty-hour course prepares you for the naturalization interview. *Class is for those who have applied or who qualify to apply for Citizenship.

The fee is $35.00. This fee includes all class materials. Payment is due at the first class.
We also offer tutoring for those students that need extra help and have an interview coming up soon. Email us at tiesknoxville@gmail.com to request tutor services.
Driving for Success: Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00am-11:30am. Classes are held at West Lonsdale Baptist Church at 2720 Dayton St. Class size is restricted. Please text 865-235-1607 to register. (*See the SERVICES section- Driving for Success- for more information).